Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Protests meet the Governor in Santa Monica

AP posts a blistering report:
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger was jeered relentlessly by protesters while delivering a commencement speech at his alma mater.

The governor's address Tuesday to 600 graduates in blue robes and caps at Santa Monica College turned into an exercise in perseverance, as virtually his every word was accompanied by catcalls, howls and piercing whistles from the audience of several thousand people watching the graduation.

Schwarzenegger's face appeared to redden during the 15-minute speech, but he ignored the shouting while recalling his days as a student in the early 1970s and, later, his work as a bodybuilder and actor.
The local paper (sigh, pdf) covers the march and rally.

More photos at dkos and at indymedia.

And links to more photos of the march within this dkos comment.

In stark contrast, the LAT chickens out once again with their very mild treatment of the Governor.

UPDATE: Lifted from the Gropinator, coverage by the Malibu Times and Marc Cooper in the Nation.

The march and rally took care to keep distance from the commencement. The jeering during the Governor's speech was spontaneous and came from his audience.