Friday, August 13, 2004

Back next Saturday

I didn't realize how travel preparations have taken a toll on my blogging. Insidious. Off to Connecticut. And the first grader wants to see New York. I think we've been watching the very catchy musical On the Town too many times. But I'll have to say, Gene Kelly and Frank Sinatra were soooo delish in their sailor uniforms. And now, because this is so etched into my brain, I'm sharing this ditty:
"New York, New York a helluva town, the Bronx is up, But the Battery's down, the people ride in a hole in a ground, New York, New York, itsa helluva town" or something like that.
I hate it when I have music stuck in my head. I'm hoping my brain will be wiped clean by the time I get back. Ciao.