Saturday, December 03, 2005

CA: Jogging the Governor's memory for the money he 'borrowed' from the schools

According to the education lobby, the Governor owes the schools 5.5 billion, the money owed to the schools over a three year period. Last week, representatives of the education coalition met with the Governor's aides, asking for it back.

Do you think the Governor will comply? I doubt it but I think it's smart to remind him, just in case he decides to suffer from a strange case of post-election memory loss. Already, he's pushing for a humongo infrastructure bond which does nothing about funding the education we have. And, yes, he did lose the special election in a very big way.

But whatever happens, I'm betting the education coalition will never ever close deals with the Governor on just a handshake again. Remember the Governor broke his promise after that last handshake deal with the education coalition. That was bogus but I know a few parents are angry the coalition even messed with the education money at all. Who gave them the power to let the Governor 'borrow' the funds in the first place?

One note: Just curious. I wish AP specified which groups defined the 'education lobby'.