Monday, January 31, 2005

Koufax stuff

Pleased as punch to find two of my nominations making the cut at wampum. Gosh, I feel like a proud parent. Here, take a peek:

*oyster's Advice for New Dads, running in the category of Most Humorous Post.

*paperwight's Dred Scott post, running in the Best Post category.

And while at wampum, please take a moment to contribute something to help keep the Koufax going. I think this whole thing has turned into a celebratory event where we get a sense of the scope of the quality work out here in the land of the lefties.

Once again, I'll mention I got a nod for best single issue blog, thanks to Madeleine Begun Kane (who, btw, went serious on us and started the President Boxer blog, which is getting a lot of play in the media).

Finally, tx, eRob because now I won't be crying myself to sleep because no one voted for me.