Thursday, October 13, 2005

CA: Vote for Our Dreams, Vote No on November 8

One of the biggest problems of our special election is how to motivate people to vote, especially when you don't like the corporate stench emanating from its pores. Oh, wait. That's just me but I know many others who are just sick and tired of the whole deeply depressing process, especially the part where you sit down to read the damn voting booklet in order to vote and find it's almost the same as banging your head against the wall because it's all too difficult to understand.

So I was thrilled to see this completely different approach from the former staffers for the Dean for VP group, a brand new group called the Courage Campaign.

A bit from their email:
In California, we should be leading the way in building the best public education system in the world; ensuring healthcare coverage for all Californians; creating a vibrant, prosperous and equitable economy; making California a national model for energy independence; preserving California's priceless environmental heritage for future generations; and building a transportation system that ends traffic gridlock.

Instead, Gov. Schwarzenegger's Nov. 8 Special Election is dividing us and playing politics as usual. The Governor's initiatives punish his opponents, pander to extremists, and will continue to erode our quality of life. This election wastes $80 million of taxpayer money that we could use to realize our dreams.

Please join me in demanding the best. Please join me in demanding a government that works every day to turn our highest aspirations into public policy. Join me in saying NO to a needless Special Election that ignores our common dreams. Join me by standing up at the polls Nov. 8 and saying NO to each and every one of Gov. Schwarzenegger's destructive and divisive ballot measures, propositions 73 through 78. (See the Courage Campaign Voter Guide for detailed information.)
And look! Their vision is equally inspired (yes, it's embedded in the statement above).
Courage Campaign - Our Dreams Are Our Agenda:

Create the best public education system in the world.
Ensure healthcare for all Californians.
Build the world's most vibrant, prosperous and equitable economy.
Make California a national model for energy independence.
Preserve California's priceless environmental heritage for future generations.
Construct a transportation system that ends traffic gridlock.
And they follow through with a well-organized website. Here is their LA County blog, a bit LA-city centric, but, hey, this is just the beginning.

Here is the LA County site, complete with links, actions to take. Very nice.

I'll keep checking these guys out with the hopes this is one of those 'opportunities' arising from crisis.