Tuesday, February 15, 2005

It's a sad thing when

I look longingly at other states dealing with NCLB issues. And Spellings? Bah.

We're in the middle of something horrible here in California. Goes by a name that starts with an S.

Fighting NCLB is on the back burner because we've got a more immediate problem: he's proposing to eviscerate public funding of public education. But, oh, he loooooves charter schools.

And did I tell you he's diabolical?

He's telling us he's increased funding per pupil.

This is technically true.

But that exhortation comes from doing all sorts of tricks, such as passing on extra costs to school districts. He also wants people to forget that he shorted the kids of California billions of dollars by reneging on a deal he made to defer payment.

Don't laugh. He may run for president and then it'll be everyone's problem.