Saturday, December 04, 2004

On Pacifica Radio: community forum in Ohio today

From a dKos diary, news that Pacifica Radio will broadcast the Ohio community forum.
Featured speakers include Rev. Jesse Jackson, journalist Greg Palast, Ohio elected officials and attorneys who have filed suit charging voter fraud in Ohio.

The Internet broadcast will be from 6--9 pm (Eastern time. 5 PM to 8 PM Central) and will be streamed on Pacifica's Internet station at .

Featured speakers include:
Greg Palast - Journalist
Reverand Jesse Jackson - Rainbow/PUSH Coalition
Bob Fitrakis - editor, Columbus Free Press
Susan Truitt - Ohio voter activist
Bill Moss - Columbus School Board Member
Anita Rios - from Green Party
Cliff Arnebeck - lead attorney, Alliance for Democracy [is filing suit within days, says he has evidence voting machines were tampered with in Ohio]
Bill Berga - Pres Ohio ACLU

With national affairs correspondent Larry Bensky.