Saturday, February 28, 2004

More BSE cases in Ireland

Although four more cows with BSE were found in Ireland, this is actually seen as an improvement from last year. Now, since both Japan and Ireland test more frequently than the US for BSE, the implication is scary, to say the least.

Thinking along similar lines, here in America, this guy wants to test all his cows for BSE. But he can't legally.
    To assure the safety of its meat, the company, Creekstone Farms of Arkansas City, Kan., a subsidiary of the Enterprise Management Group, wants to use rapid diagnostic tests that are routinely used in Japan and many European nations.

    But no rapid tests have been approved by the United States Department of Agriculture, and department officials pointed out yesterday that it was against the law for any company to sell or market any unapproved diagnostic test. They said they would not respond to Creekstone's request until they evaluated the legal, regulatory and trade implications raised.

    Other meat producers are upset by the company's request, saying it has broken ranks in an industry besieged by bad news. Dan Murphy, vice president for public affairs at the American Meat Industry, said American beef was so safe that widescale testing was unnecessary.
Hey, guys, are you afraid of what you'll find? If Ireland is still finding cows with BSE, and they've been vigilant since 1997, what does that mean about US beef?

More at bad things.