Wednesday, August 02, 2006

CA: What's wrong with Prop. 88

This is a link over to Education Justice on why we should vote No on Prop. 88 on the upcoming monster November ballot in CA.

Prop. 88 is a flat tax of $50 per parcel with an incredibly laser-focused approach to funding education. It only funds class-size reduction, textbooks, safety, facilities, and a teacher-focused achievement tracking system. Note this important catch. From CSBA:
However, the initiative would impose severe penalties for “misuse” of funds—a term not defined to distinguish between inadvertent errors and intentional illegal behavior; place new constraints on the use of the class-size reduction funds; and expand the role of the state Board of Education in “approving” textbooks.
Prop. 88 was placed on the ballot by EdVoice, a suspiciously mixed coalition including major Chamber of Commerce types (yo! there's Eli Broad again), charter school advocates, and politicos (egads, I spy Alan Bersin on their advisory board).